
Tasmanian Pickleball Championships Update

Published Sun 12 Jan 2025

Entries for the 2025 ID Clothing Tasmanian Pickleball Championships have burst through the seams! Registrations reached our capacity of 300 in only 30 days.  We have had to close registrations early and will now begin the process of building the events and creating the 4 day schedule.

Merging of events wiill now occur to see exactly how much court time will be required. After this there MAY be some scope for more entries. Preference will be given to players who can partner an existing entrant who is seeking a partner. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please use the "contact tourney" button stating which events you are available for. (age and skill)

It’s not too late to purchase shirts, warm-up tops or attend the Friday Night function, simply go to the Pickleball Brackets Tournament page and click “click to purchase items” button.